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Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World

Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World

Authors: Ron Larson , Betsy Farber
ISBN-13: 9780134683416
© 2019


Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 7th Edition, provides stepped-out instruction, real-life examples and exercises, and the use of technology to offer the most accessible approach to statistics. Authors Ron Larson and Betsy Farber carefully develop theory through strong pedagogy, and the more than 210 examples show how statistics is used to picture and describe the world. The authors believe that students learn best by doing, so they have written more than 2300 exercises to make the concepts of statistics a part of students' everyday lives.

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  • Table of Contents


MyLab Statistics™

The accompanying MyLab Statistics online course provides users with countless opportunities to practice, plus statistics-specific resources and tools that enhance their experience and comprehension.

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Additional Features

Some of the many features include stepped out instruction and guided learning, Uses and Abuses: Statistics in the Real World, technology examples, chapter technology projects, and a variety of real-life applications.

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